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Fourth round of the training on information technology (IT) system development targeting to the IT Officers (ITOs) of the local level (LL) of the Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur has been accomplished on 24th December 2020 at the training hall of the Provincial Center for Good Governance (PCGG), Jawalkhel.  Altogether, 18 ITOs out of 21 were participated in the event.

The participants have expressed their satisfactory experiences during the training period and served valid feedback particularly designing of the practical and specific training for the ITOs in future. On the occasion, Dr. Gopi Krishna Khanal, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of the Federal Affairs and General Administration (MoFAGA) who is also a National Program Director (NPD) of the Provincial and Local Governance Support Program (PLGSP) expressed his valuable feedback and guidance to the participants as well as to the PCGG during the closing session. Mr. Khanal highlighted on the e-governance system at the local level and emphasized on more systematic and innovative way of the training packages to be designed for the civil servants and political representatives to ensure better service delivery for the citizens.  On the same occasion, Mr. Dipendra Subedi, Executive Director of the PCGG has also expressed about the future plan of the PCGG and shared his idea of the long run training packages based on the need of the provincial and local level.

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