FAQs Complain Problems

Conduct Mapping of Development Partner support in the area of federalism, local governance and accountability at federal/provincial/local level as per the following (link below) Terms of Reference (ToR).

Link to ToR: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uFqcAP3ZQSjNjjRqBL6DeQQa-1WXukQ5/

Your offer comprising of technical and financial proposals for the task should be submitted in two separate sealed envelopes, should reach the following address in the extended timeline- no later than 04:00 PM NST on (27 January, 2021). 

To the Project Coordination Unit.
National Project Manager
Provincial and Local Governance support Programme (PLGSP)
Singh Durbar, Kathmandu

Cover page of LISA GUIDELINE 2077
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Cover page for Capacity Needs Assessment for the Transition to Federalism
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