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As per annual work plan, organized a Law making and law drafting training to achieve the result of outcome 3 and output 14 (LG elected representatives and civil servants are empower and trained for law making and law drafting training in Hile Dhankuta.  The training support to LGs representatives and officials on law making and quality service delivery. Provincial Training Center, Province 1, Kalwalguri Jhapa under the project “Provincial and Local Government Support Programme (PLGSP) conducted 3 days residential training entitled "Law making and Law drafting training " in Hotel Hile Kanjorowa, Dhankuta from 24 April to 26 April, 2021.

On this training, total 36 LGs representatives and officials are invited from 18 different LGs under 4 districts. Out of 36, total 28 participants including elected representatives and government officials from various rural municipalities like Jhapa, Sunsari and Morang and Bhojpur district were participated.  The training has planned as residential.  The quality facilitator Mr. Rewati Raman Bhandary and Sunil Regmi facilitated the session and Participants were well known on LGs law making and law drafting process. Held healthy discussion on various issues raise by LGs representatives and official regarding the subject of law making and law drafting process and its fundamental obligations. The training management support provided by local government expert Ms. Anita Guragai and Mr. Balram Sharma Capacity Development export.

The objective of this training is to achieve the result of PLGSP output 14.1.1. The training support to elected representatives and officials to understand the LGs Law making process, The practical session held, LGs representatives and officials raised the quire on LGs law making and law drafting process, issues and challenges.


  • To achieve the result of output 14.1.1
  • Capacitate LGs representatives and officials for Law making and Law drafting process.
  • Develop the common understanding on local governments low and its proper utilization, importance of low. and its impact on quality service delivery.

Outputs Delivered:

  • The training is fruitful, total 28 LGs representatives and officials received the quality training on local government's law making and law drafting process.

Detail of training participant: The three days residential training was organized in Hile Kanjirowa hotel Dhankuta. The training was planned for local government representatives and officials. Total 28 Participants participated on this training.

Training Venue: Hile Kanjirowa Hotel Dhankuta

Remarks and suggestion: The deputy mayor of Itahari sub metropolitan, Ms. Lami Gautam chair the opening session. She shared the importance of lawmaking training for local government. Mr. Babunandam Mehata chief administrative officer Ram Prasad Rai Gau palika Bhojpur shared the law-making training is very important to LGs but it is little bit late organized.

In closing ceremony, Deputy Mayor Ms. Laxmi Gautam add some remarks. The objective of the training is good. This training supports LGs representatives and officials on law making process. The single events of training is not enough, LG need such training events in future too.

In the closing ceremony, Ganesh Prasad Timsina director of Province Training Center chaired the session. He suggested all participants to apply the knowledge on practice. The certificate distribution progremm was organized. All 28 Participants received the certificates.

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Event End Date
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