PCGG of province-2 accomplished GRB and GESI Audit ToT
PCGG of Province-2 organized a 6-day long ToT on GRB and GESI Audit in participation of local freelancers and GESI focal persons of LGs. The ToT aimed at developing resource persons to facilitate GRB orientations to the elected representatives and staffs of LGs as well as carryout GESI audit of the programmes implemented by the LGs. The ToT took place from 30 September to 5 October, where a total of 30 persons including 16 female participated in the ToT.
PCGG of province-2 conducted TOT on GRB and GESI Audit
PCGG of Province-2 organized a 6-day long ToT on GRB and GESI Audit in participation of local freelancers and GESI focal persons of LGs. The ToT aimed at developing resource persons to facilitate GRB orientations to the elected representatives and staffs of LGs as well as carryout GESI audit of the programmes implemented by the LGs. The ToT took place from 30 September to 5 October, where a total of 30 persons including 16 female participated in the ToT.
One day Review and Orientation program on LISA in province 2
PCGG of Province 2 conducted 1-day Review and Orientation programme on LISA in participation of District Coordination Officers of all eight districts and Chief Administration Officers of 110 LGs. The orientation aimed at reviewing the status of LISA implementation in the FY 2077/78 and introducing the role of DCC and LGs in the implementation of LISA in the current year. The chief guest Hon.
PCGG, Province- 2 completed 2day training on Secretariat and Hospitality Management for secretariat staffs of provincial ministries
PCGG, Province- 2 has completed a 2-day training on Secretariat and Hospitality Management for secretariat staffs of provincial ministries along with OCMCM and Provincial Policy and Planning Commission. The training aimed at enhancing skills on hospitality and managing secretariat related matters. A total of 29 secretariat staffs, including five female, participated the training.
PCGG Province-2 Organized Training on GESI mainstreaming
Province 2 organized two days GESI mainstreaming orientation in two Local governments i.e.
PCGG of Province-2 conducted a 3-day training on “Effective Service Delivery and Interface"
PCGG of Province-2 conducted a 3-day training on “Effective Service Delivery and Interface” to the staffs working at ward offices in Kolhabi Municipality of Bara district. The training aimed at enhancing skills of the participants on local level planning process, vital registration, letter writing, management of inventory and files necessary for their daily works. A brief opening session was organized in special appearance of the Mayor and ward presidents of the municipality where the Executive Director of PCGG made a short presentation on PLGSP and objectives of the training.
PCGG Province-2 organized two orientation events for creating awareness on safety measures on COVID19
PCGG of Province-2, conducted a 4-day ToT on "GESI, Gender Responsive Budgeting and GESI Audit"
PCGG of Province-2, conducted a 4-day ToT on "GESI, Gender Responsive Budgeting and GESI Audit" with aim to develop local resource persons to be mobilized for GESI mainstreaming and GESI Audit in LGs. A total of 27 participants from all eight districts of the province-2 took part in the ToT where; the number of female and male was 12 and 15 respectively. The participation of the ToT was observed quite inclusive with attendance of Dalit-1; Janjati-3 and Muslim-1 along with differently able people-1.
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